Last Thursday, Rachel went through her 8th grade promotion, and will be starting High School at the end of July (yes, in this district, the school year starts at the end of July). My daughter will soon turn 14 and be able to go to Stake Dances. I remember as a youth how huge of a deal this was as Stake dances were the big thing when I was growing up.
I am excited for Rachel, even though these next few years, as she journey's through adolescence, could be very difficult for her and our relationship as she begins to break free of her youth and grows into a woman. I am not too worried. Rachel seems to make the right choices in her life.
Jessica is so excited to start kindergarten. She wakes up almost every day and asks if she can go to school today. I have to remind her that she does not start for another several weeks.
Both of these events have reminded me of how short life is. I cannot believe that my girls are growing up. I am so grateful to have them both in my life. I cannot imagine how empty my life would be without children. It saddens me when I hear of people who get married and decide to never have kids. It is such a joy to be a parent. Yes, it is stressful, and difficult but what a wonderful life it is to have children. I only hope that I can continue to be a good father.